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Showing posts from October, 2011

Los Angeles to Puerto Escondido, BCS, Mexico

We had a good trip down Baja. The roads were better than we expected. There were several areas of construction that were terrible and about 75% of the roads had no  shoulder (they were two lane narrow roads) which made it difficult when semi-trucks passed going the other way (which was frequently), but  all in all Baja is doing a good job keeping Highway 1 in pretty good shape. What was a little disconcerting was all the shrines by the side of the road. It seemed like there was one every 3 to 5 miles.  In the really bad, high curves there were two or three. We left Longbeach at 4:00AM on 10/17 and arrived in Catavina about 3PM. Catavinia is about 1/3 of the way down Baja and about half-way between the Pacific and The Sea of Cortez. It's in the middle of a National Desert Park and it was beautiful. Driving towards Catavina. Our Hotel in Catavina - it was great to go for a swim. Sunrise as we left Catavina. A fog bank rolling in as we approach Guerrero Negro (on...

Road Trip Down the Coast to L.A.

We left Bainbridge on October 4th. Our first stop was Eugene to visit Chrissy's sister, Gretchen. Gretchen at her glass studio "The Glassfuser". She teaches glass fusing and the students make their own glass projects. Jim and I made a plate together. Next stop was Palo Alto to visit Bethie and John (Chrissy's friend from Junior High). The Steve Jobs memorial at the Palo Alto Apple Store. (Bethie and Kaleo in the background) John and Bethie We helped Bethie and John pick out new fruit trees  for their back yard. Next stop was San Francisco to visit Jim's brother, Dave. Dave made us fish tacos. Then to Santa Cruz to visit Joel (Jim's college roommate). Joel and Jim Next stop Long Beach for a short visit with Drew. Drew gave us a tour of American Apparel. One of the storage warehouses at American Apparel. Kate, Jane and Drew at the dog beach. The pumpkin patch in Belmont Shore Kate and Jane Planning the driving trip...

It's Been A Great Summer-Heading South 10/4/11

We are packed and ready to head down the coast again - this time on land! We'll be visiting friends and family along the way and will arrive back in Puerto Escondido around mid-October. We've had a great summer. Did quite a bit of work on the rental houses, had lots of dinners and visits with friends and family, some camping and hiking, shopping for boat supplies, and a boat trip.  Ready for the 4th of July crowd at Tom's (Chrissy's brother). Our Laurelwood house - now rented after some extensive clean up. Driving up Vancouver Island. On our trip south from Campbell River on Anna Crewe. Testing out our new inflatable kayaks in Gorge Harbor on Cortes Island. Learning Bocce Ball at the Big Red Ranch. A sunny day on the Wenatchee River with Roy and Maggie Chapple. Drew and Brad came up for a visit and we had a family gathering at Tom's. Lake Cushman on the way to Staircase in Olympic National Park Camping at Staircase Campgrou...